

This website ( ) contains a huge collection of hindi songs from albums, movies, ghazals etc. Here , the users are provided with many more options. For example, the user can sign up and create an account to create his/her own personal playlist. The personal playlists have been improved. The user can enjoy listening to his/her favorite songs. The songs provided in this site are in real media player format. If the user does not have the player in his/her computer, this site provides the option to even download it. The user can listen to the song either on net or on the computer after downloading it. This website has got two search engines. First one is on the top of the page. In this one, the user can search for the songs he or she wishes to listen to, and click search after selecting whether it is an album name or if it is a song title or if it is a singer or an actor or if it falls in category of all. The second search engine is the search engine provided by google.

The category of albums in this website include:

1) Latest Indian Movie Albums

2) Latest Indian Pop and Remix Albums

3) Latest Pakistani Pop and Remix Albums

4) Ghazals Collection

5) Legends Collection Originally published in Shvoong:

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