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Presentation and public speaking in English

Presentation and public speaking in English

Presentation and Public Speaking in English On this web site you are going to learn how to give an excellent presentation. It shows you the steps to follow when you begin to write your presentation. You will learn the different types of presentations. For example, if your presentation is to inform, to train, or to sell. After your decide the type of presentation you will do then you have to prepare yourselves. You will find how feel confident and less nervous. I know that when you are going to give a presentation you feel nervous but you will find good tips to reduce it. The equipment is one of the most important things you need to learn about giving a presentation. You will find the equipment that you can use in your presentation therefore your presentation will be successful. You also will find the language you can use in your presentation to send a simple and clear message to the audience. Body language is really important in your presentation. You will learn to read your body language and improve your weakness areas. Voice quality is also very important to know about it. This site will teach you how to have the best quality of voice so that your audience can hear you clearly. In my opinion this web site is going to help you a lot because this class is about listening and speaking. We will be doing many presentations in class and in the future classes. I invite you to visit this web site for three reasons; you will improve your quality of your presentations, you will fell more condiment about yourselves, and you will get high grades.
Presentation and public speaking in English Originally published in Shvoong:


Independent Centre for Language Learning.
Are you learning English? Let me tell you about the web-site I am very interested in this web-site. I had used others programs that helped people who are learning English like me. When I went into this site, the fist time, I was surprise about haw many activities it had. I didn’t have enough time to see all of them. I just was browsing it, and I found something interesting for me. I went into the Pronunciation part, and there I found a lot of good things. There you can find a writing assistance program that helps you how to structure a sentence, or a paragraph. If you write a sentence and it has the words in a wrong order, the possible options to fix it appear on the screen. You can find answer for all of grammar problems that you have.  It has a space where you can ask about your own doubts or concerning. Also you can be informed, hearing the local news even the news all around the world. But the most interesting to me was a place where you can type a word or a sentence, and you can hear the pronunciation. It lets you know how the word sounds, especially in the words or phrases that you don’t have any idea how to pronounce. I hope this information helps you. I really recommended it. I can wait to get into all of the activities in this page. I know it will help me to improve my English, and you too. Originally published in Shvoong:


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                                                                                                                                    Olga  Saenz        
I think that this website has information that people with little education will learn more and would be proud to use this website because the information will stay with you for ever ,you learn how to read and spell and what is more important the vocabulary it helps with your skills to, the pronunciation is important like for example if you want to get a job, the reading  is very important in you life it will get you out through the world because if you want to travel to any place of the world you have to know how to get anything you need like if you want to help people that do not speak english or are from other countries this website sure helps not only to speak but for idioms,,and  it is very easy to access it will take to lots of links according to your skills there are ton of materials to help you all are categorized very perfectly for you ,i hope that you will look for this web-site the name is Originally published in Shvoong:


Speaking In Academic Context

Speaking In Academic Context

                                                                                                                  Theintroduction of these web site mentions that speaking in academic context is becoming more important as teaching methods are trying to involve students in group works, making presentations,and partisipating in discussions on academic topics. Soin these web site you can get help in learning about: Making presentations controlling discussions, and listening and note taking, it has a kind of menu where you can choose any area in which you need help or information, for example, in the presentation it shows you how to present a seminar paper and it gives you steps to do your presentation interesting, and not confussing, so you can express to your audience what you want. It also has a pronunciation section and it recomends some good dictionaries where you can get help considering that english spelling and english pronunciation has a diference. Many students comment that they find working in groups difficult, becouse they can never contribute new and intelligent ideas to the group, so in speaking in academic context you will find help in working in groups, it mentions that if everyone contribute new ideas, the group would continue to be sucssesful, so there it has some roles that students can folow to be succesful in working asa team, for example a succesful group needs a leader, someone who can come with good ideas, and see the practical uses of the other group members ideas, it also mentions that a group needs to have a good Implementer, a Co-ordinator, a Resource Investigator, a complete-
finisher etc.It also shows how to cordinate the group members on each of these roles. In Speaking In Academic Context you would find a chek list if you are going to give a presentation the chek list provides some useful things to chek for example:Overall, Introduction, Main Part, Language,Visuals, and conclutions, that way you can be succesful in your presentation.I recomend this web site as a good resource for information in making presentations, working in group, and to find help in pronunciation.
Speaking In Academic Context Originally published in Shvoong:




Rosa Martinez ESL 266 January 22, 2008 Open English World I chose the Open English World web site to help me improve my English. It helps all students learning English, from beginner to advance. It helps me with my English vocabulary and conversation skills. I think the weekly idioms will help me improve English. This program also helps me improve my pronunciation. I also think the business jargon will help improve my business English. I think it going to help me in my daily life. I am so excited about using this web site. I have also mentioned this program to my sons. They are also interested in using it for themselves. This web site even has a Forum to ask questions about English, meet students, and discuss activities with other students. This program is friendly and easy to use. The best thing is that this web site is free to use. Open English World is great for English students!
oPEN ENGLISH WORLD Originally published in Shvoong:


Open English World

Open English World

I would like to talk about an important website that is; shvoong if you are interesting about the website, the web side’s name “” I want to invited at this very good and excellent web side, shvoong has very good information about how get good steps to do anything summary, the summary can to do of 300, 600 or 900 words, and also you and me have the opportunity to make comments on it. The web side technology has been a good manner to get easier information about anything, in my opinion the most favorable is the web side world for that; the shvoong is very essential in my life. In shvoong there are a lot of good programs but, I am going to use this program because, it’s helpful to know how to learn English. The program’s name is “English World”. I like me this program because it is for all levels. It is very interesting to learn to speak English, have a good conversation, know vocabulary and have good pronunciation. I believe that shvoong will can to be a tool to help me improve my English, with practice and the speak English I will get a good results. To have a good vocabulary is helpful for any conversation or in an emergency because, if I know more vocabulary, I will can answer and ask anyone, anything, and doesn’t matter the place. The pronunciation is something essential In English, with good pronunciation is easier to get good information. I believe that this program has the information I need to get my principal objective that is, I would like to speak English fluently in my daily life. While I was doing my assignment I was thinking that I would like to share and to know new summaries this will can to be a good manner to know new opinions all over the world for that; register in shvoong to me was a good determination because, in shvoong I have the opportunity improve my English, conversation, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Shvoong has exceptional information, activities, and is helpful for everything, shvoong is an excellent web side to get very good information.
Open English World Originally published in Shvoong:


ESL about Listening

ESL about Listening

Business Presentations & Public
Speaking in English

            One of the things most difficult to do to many people has been to speak in public, they think that it is impossible, and other people are nervous and afraid when they have to give oral presentations, especially when there are many listeners to hear them, or when the speech is in another different language than their own. Fortunately nowadays there are many helpful programs that have strategies to use for improving speech. For example you can consult in the website; there you can find many programs that can be helpfulness to feel confident in those cases. One of these programs is “Improving Classroom has many fantastic tips for improving. Presentation and Public Speaking in English is another option, in it you can find a magnificent guide to presentations for English learners. There are great variety depend your needs. Other different programs that can also be helpful such as: “Useful Tips for speaking to an Audience, it would be great to speak about. fortunately, these programs are easy to use, so if you want to learn more about speech, and you would like to feel confident in your next presentation, consult them; and in the future, you would have speaking skill with no problems. I suggest you to go rapidly to internet. I am sure you would get many advantages in your goal to learn English, and in your facility to speak.           

ESL about Listening Originally published in Shvoong:


Internet Activity and Health From Gomo Samoro Fiber Reviews

Internet Activity and Health From Gomo Samoro Fiber Reviews

It's plural now many more people familiar with the development of IT, the more intensive interaksipun happened ....... the real social relations replaced with social networking in the virtual world, berbelanjapun not need susahharus come to the shopping center behind the convenience ....... there are many problems that must be paid by the man who started activities only through a computer screen, little by little immune rapuhlah, because what? fresh air that we breathe should, as a stimulus of sunlight is rarely touched nerves in our skin ...... then the birth of a logical consequence of these things, a husband who should more attention to the wife or otherwise replaced with the advent of computer monitors with the support of social networking ...... lami question how this happened to you ....? one week ....? one month ............? one year ..........? start now return you to the power of what God created us, then try MEDITATION ANCIENT of Fiber Asmoro Gomo with techniques as follows:

1. Start by learning to re NATURAL concentration that we call the triangle CONCENTRATION.

2. Start doing the right suction breath through his nose, exhale through the nose AGAIN, and feel the freshness IN OUR DADA.

3. A good breath is always through the chest with a freshness, WITHOUT DOWN IN ABDOMINAL.

4. Start looking for a point of view, try to see more in the point of view, until as if there's only points on the view.

5. Begin to move the view of the tip of our noses.

6. Begin closed with a freshness that extends through the chest we keep the breath RULE BY COLOR - suction - LET, remember the mind stay awake and keep your body relaxed.

Degan do any position .... should stand up against, sit dikursi, sitting cross-legged, even as he allowed ........ terlentangpun along with your regular pass, grow again and IMMUNITY POWER us as human beings should interact ...... good luck and SALAM BROTHERHOOD ..................

Internet Activity and Health From Gomo Samoro Fiber Reviews Originally published in Shvoong:


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How To Make Money On Shvoong

That's how you get Paid On Shvoong!

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The technology is going to be the biggest thing in the world. Supercomputers are the most resent sciences this time; one of the most popular is called HECToR. This computer that’s called HECToR could help answer some of sciences biggest questions. HECToR is the country’s fastest computer and one of the most powerful in Europe. It will enable us to do research that we simply could not do in any other way. Researches will tap in to its power to study ocean currents HECToR will be enable to build tiny parts for advanced computer it compatible to made warplanes less visible to radar. Other projects include research in to superconductors, combustion engines and new materials. In resent time the scientist are very interesting in this compatible Super computer because they know about it ; the scientist working in field ranging from cosmology and atomic physics  to disaster simulation and healthcare will  also use the computer. This machine is one of the most and biggest discoverment at this time, some of the scientist said, “this is the technology that we looking for” this machine which stands for HECToR that’s mean High-End -Computing –Terascale – Resource. This super-computer was made in U.S.A. and its manufacturer in one of the responsible company called Cray. Inc they are satisfied with the one of the potent sciences. HECToR. CRAY. INC was public in this year, and is used to study the most important in government in nuclear weapons without the need for underground testing. The technology is running so fast and super- computers are going to be in times, not so far the biggest discernment in the world.




I like this website because it has lots of information about speaking, learning, grammar and pronunciation and reading and writing and vocabulary.  But the best one is idioms it helps every teacher and students from other countries and other places of the world to learn better the good thing about this website is that all materials are free of charge and have been catalogued for quick and easy access eslpoint on line recourses where teachers and students can get help .  IT links to thousands of esl/efl- related materials all categorized according to skill and difficulty all the materials are prepared for you.  All you have to do just click on this web-site, you''''ll like it, I wish anyone or everyone that needs help this is the right web-site. I use this website all the time and recommend that anyone who needs support or guidance can utilize this resource.  Using this website has made me a better writer in regards to learning about new words and what they mean.  Also gives me practice typing my assignments and reviewing my progress as an improved writer.  I am now more computer literate and have learned how to e-mail, type out my assignments and papers, surf the internet, etc. I have come to realize the importance my practice has made me into a person with the tools I need in society and how to use what I have learned. Many of my newly found friends and classmates have been a living proof that the way I communicate with then is due to me using what I have learned and how I use what I learned.  I guess what I am saying that these assignments I am doing help me to grow as a person at home, work, school, and society.  I like this class very much.
ESLpoint Originally published in Shvoong:


Effectively Listening and Speaking
            I want to speak with you about the topic of speaking without fear.  The website,, helps people overcome the fear of speaking in public.  Like me, many people are afraid of speaking in front of other people.  The website is for people who are tired of stomach pains before speaking, want people to listen when they speak, want to lose this fear in one day, and would like to speak whenever you wish.  The program begins with “Three Simple Concepts to Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking.”  This course teaches you the way to easily and quickly learn how to lose all fear of speaking in public.  People who have taken this course have found out that they are better speakers then they thought they were.  The benefits of completing this program can last you a lifetime.  This program can help you finish the ESL classes and get good grades.  Also it will help you in the future to get a good job with a good salary.  Your life style will also improve.  Other benefits are that you will have more confidence when you speak to others in small or large groups.  Each time you speak you will be able to speak without difficulty and more comfortably.  Usually some, including me, are afraid that the people who are listening to them do not clearly understand what they are trying to say.  I recommend this website because for me it has been helpful in losing my fear of speaking in public.  The website is good for people who learn by listening or by reading.  I am sure that the Three Simple Concepts to Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking will help anyone who decides to use the website.  I hope I have given you enough information about this program and highly recommend that everyone visit the website. Originally published in Shvoong:


www.5 Minute

www.5 Minute

I choose 5 Minute English because is free short Self-Study English lessons and quick tips for ESL students. It’s a real LIVE English conversation with an ESL instructor. I think ESL Talk Time is important because a lot of English learners said that it is easy to find books, tapes and software to practice English. But one thing they can’t find easily is real people to practice speaking English with. So now ESL Talk Time is available to help you get and keep your spoken English. In this page we meet online and have an English conversation for 75 minutes, you will be able to practice a lot because there are only 3-4 students and 1 ESL instructor in the class, this program use SKYPE, a free internet program used to talk to anyone in the world, at the end of the session, we will receive a free mp3 recording of the class for our review. Some benefits are: no travel time, no telephone costs, very small classes, lots of time for talking, attend the class from the comfort of your own home or office and low cost, you need only choose a class and time you would like to join from below, download the free software at SKYPE to be able to attend the class online, you will receive instructor by email on how to attend the class, this website is very helpful and it is made just for you. I invite you to try this program and you realize that is a good way to learn English.    
www.5 Minute Originally published in Shvoong:


How to Write an Abstract

How to Write an Abstract

Do you like writing abstracts? Let me share some information that I found in the web-site about how to write abstract. I considered this topic very helpful for me because I have to do that for my class assignments. Now here are some steeps to follow. First of all chose a topic. Get enough information about it. Planning and organize your notes. Abstracts need a title, do not repeated or rephrase the title.  When you write an abstract you have to answer the following questions: -Why did you do this study o project?
–What did you do and how?
–What did you find?
–What do you findings means?
 You have to answer these question in 100-250 words. You need to be specific about the topic. Avoid using acronyms, abbreviations, or symbols, because you would need to explain and that takes too much room. Use key words. Try to use active verbs instead of passive when possible. Avoid using the words I or we. Good revision and editing can transform a simple fist draft into an excellent final paper. Abstracts should represent as much as possible quantitative and qualitative information. I recommended you to follow these steps in you next abstract.
How to Write an Abstract Originally published in Shvoong:


Academic Listening/Speaking

Academic Listening/Speaking

Academic Listening/Speaking English 0710 This course is designed to develop the academic listening and speaking skills of ESL students. This course will be placed on listening to lectures, note taking, speaking in academic situations, and practicing pronunciation skills. The content of this course is to identify vocabulary meanings from listening context and use this new vocabulary in speaking situation using correct grammatical and context forms. For this objective you need to know your audience, interact whit they, relate whit your audience and they will be inspired by your message. If you are not focusing on your audience’s needs, then you are simply speaking for the point of hearing yourself and nothing else. In his course will help you move beyond composing speeches because you have to and starting to compose speeches because you want the audience to understand and retain the information/knowledge that you have. Another activity is that we are going to list information heard in dialogs and lectures. We can ask questions orally using corrects verbs and forms. This dialogs and lectures will help us to identify the main idea and the support of a lecture. We also can write summaries and outlines of information from lectures and we can present this information using cause/effect form and vocabulary. This course has charts and graphs to complete using information from the lectures. I also can learn how to use symbols and abbreviations for note-talking.
Academic Listening/Speaking Originally published in Shvoong:


academic English studies

academic English studies

One very helpful and informative website about lessons, and resources for one who is learning English, and specially someone who wants to improve listening skills, is AES (Academic English Studies), this website provides a very wide range of places where ESL students can find helpful lessons; there are two pages and every page recommends others sites in which students can choose the lessons or information that fits better in their learning necessities. The lessons are classified in different levels, for example: level 100, is for beginner/advanced, level 200, is for intermediate, level 300, is for upper intermediate, and level 400, is for advanced; so this website is helpful, it doesn’t matter in which level a student is, there also is provided a dictionary to help with new vocabulary. One of the pages that I found very interesting is English Language Listening Lab, this is the premier listening site on the web, there are interviews for every day, and all interviews come with built-in support with photos, a guided quiz and a interactive speaking section, these activities are also free downloadable at To help with listening skills and have fun at the same time, there are two stories to listen to, and there is a way to see the text while listening the stories, when the student finish listening, there are questions to answer, do a dictation, and some other activities that will stimulate student’s listening, the name of the stories are “The Kingdom Of The Lion”, and “The Wolf And The Crane”, and the place to find it is: Those activities are for levels 100 and 200. For level 300, there are fun ways to improve listening too, for example; in page two there is a place called, it has trailers,(short action-packed summaries of movies) one can choose from more than 50 trailers to watch and then, do English activities, this exercises helps to understand what the student is listening. So I think this is a good way to improve English listening and not get bored in the process, this methods are designed to keep students interested while learning, and that’s why I recommend to visit this website.
academic English studies Originally published in Shvoong:


The Listen Foundation

The Listen Foundation.

The Listen Foundation

            The organization, “the Listen Foundations” is one of the honor in this web side, provide a lot of web side where you could find tools for listen and speaking. Listen is one of the most important things in this foundation, because they help at people that can not hear. They provide event, for you could see the advance in technology for them. In Colorado this organization received one of the highest honors offered for Award of  Excellence by the El Pomer foundation  this program offered programs, volunteering, donation etc. since1969, the listen Foundation has been dedicated to teaching children who are hearing=impaired to listen and speak. Listen Foundation has supported families who would not otherwise have access to the equipment and the auditory-verbal therapy that their children need in order to become listening speaking. I hope this information will be good for you end you donate some of your time helping this kind of people.

The Listen Foundation. Originally published in Shvoong:


This website provides users of the more popular social networking sites out there (e.g. MySpace, Cherry Tap, Vampire Freaks, etc.) with very useful tools for customizing their profiles. Since it''s birth two years ago it has grown overwhelmingly with many loyal users. Members of Skem contribute their own layouts for others to use (over 85,000 layouts submitted),  from simple designs to more complex overlays for MySpace pages. Their forums are often active with well over 100,000 registered members. stands out from other would be social networking help sites. From it''s many tools that help the average novice customize their profile to its friendly online community,  is as addictive as MySpace only more user friendly. Originally published in Shvoong:


Summary:anirudhgulur is a website based upon the P2P sharing technology. Before you use this let me warn you that it is illegal in certain countries and where if they catch you using this you might be fined. So just find out first before using this.P2P basically means that you download and upload data at the same time instead of what you do generally in most websites. For example if a lot of people are downloading the mozilla 3 browser from the mozilla website then your downloading speed will come down. But this is not the case with isohunt or p2p sites. Here the download speed depends upon your internet speed for one. Apart from that it depends on the number of seeds and leechers. Well seeds are the people or the computers which are uploading the data while leechers are those who are downloading it. You might ask if you are downloading how can you be a leacher? Say you finished downloading the data which you wanted and didn't close utorrent(program used for downloading? then your computer will start seeding. But when you are downloading you are automatically a seeder and a leecher at the same time. You can't stop uploading data if you want to download.

Anyways, coming away from the technical part of it which most of you will tend to ignore anyway. Here is the good stuff. To download the game/song/movie which you wanted the steps to be followed are-first, search for what you want using internal search engine. Second, download it's torrent. Third, to run the torrent you need utorrent which can be easily downloaded as it is only 300kb. Yes you read it right only 300kb.Fourth, you open the torrent through utorrent. The file will start getting downloaded automatically and you can the see the how much data has been downloaded, how much more time is required and all that stuff in utorrent.After the downloading finishes just run the file/game/movie that you wanted and hey presto! there it is.

This is extremely good but there is only one small drawback, some morons upload erroneous torrents which are bad, so if you ignore that then this is a really good product.

Happy downloading. Originally published in Shvoong:


Letmewatchthis.Com - Full Movies

Letmewatchthis.Com - Full Movies

Summary:George1985 is the Internet's up and coming star in streaming full movies. It has a user-friendly way to search and browse high-quality movies on the internet. currently indexes more than 1,500 titles, all integrated into an intuitive and category system with links to full movies, trailers and their imdb pages. The team reviews all links added before listing them, ensuring all content listed is valuable, working and up to date.

Drop by and say hi in the shoutbox !
Letmewatchthis.Com - Full Movies Originally published in Shvoong:



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So join it right now and earn money at once! Originally published in Shvoong:


Sports betting

Sports betting

Summary:zuza123456 is a licensed gambling multinational, based in Austria and Malta. The company was founded in 1999 in Wels, Austria. From the very beginning has a very high rate of growth. Already more than 700,000 registered users in the bet -, the company turnover has increased annually and the product range is constantly extended.

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Sports betting Originally published in Shvoong:


This website ( ) contains a huge collection of hindi songs from albums, movies, ghazals etc. Here , the users are provided with many more options. For example, the user can sign up and create an account to create his/her own personal playlist. The personal playlists have been improved. The user can enjoy listening to his/her favorite songs. The songs provided in this site are in real media player format. If the user does not have the player in his/her computer, this site provides the option to even download it. The user can listen to the song either on net or on the computer after downloading it. This website has got two search engines. First one is on the top of the page. In this one, the user can search for the songs he or she wishes to listen to, and click search after selecting whether it is an album name or if it is a song title or if it is a singer or an actor or if it falls in category of all. The second search engine is the search engine provided by google.

The category of albums in this website include:

1) Latest Indian Movie Albums

2) Latest Indian Pop and Remix Albums

3) Latest Pakistani Pop and Remix Albums

4) Ghazals Collection

5) Legends Collection Originally published in Shvoong:


The LOVE calculator!
One thing that I am certain of, nobody can understand the complexity and absolute bizzarness of love. Therefore, perhaps instead of trying to date and spend a ton of money on movies, dinner, dancing, drinks, chocolates, flowers, and all of that cologne, throw caution to the wind and try! This is a bizzar little site, with sort of a bland and low budget look to it, but with a fun twiste which could open up some talking points for any couple that is considering getting serious.
When you first see this sight your instinct would be to keep moving, because it really lacks the visual quality that usually draws people into a good web site. Then you realize the simplicity of it all and it will hold you there at least long enough to try a couple of names on the calculator. Here is how it works. At the bottom of this single page site are two blanks which you need to fill in. You simply put your full name and the name of a potential lover into these two boxes, press the calculate button and the advice is instantly given. I tried my current girlfriend and received a 65% chance of success along with some advice to try to work on things and not to take them for granted, pretty fair advice I must admit. Then, just for fun, I put in the name of my x-girlfriend--best known as the dragon lady--and this website prooved its value. We scored a 17% chance of success and the advice was something along the lines of "Please, your chances are so slim you may as well begin looking for another now." This website is bloody brilliant!
It's simple and won't hold your attention longer than a couple of tries, but all in all a fun little gimic. It could be a good time at a party if you were to plug in all the guest's names and see who they are best matched with. If my attempt was any indication, this sight has better insite than I ever did. Current honey, good chance, x-dragon lady, fat chance.
Who knows, this site may change your life, or at least your mood. Originally published in Shvoong:




Summary:TheRaveN SEO
Backgammon is the new sensational online game (maybe one of the best online games ever). To know more about the Backgammon rules, you have arrived to the right (and may I add - the best) site. Backgammon tournaments in Israel, is a very common sight. Backgammon has always been a tow players game. Online games like Backgammon, are truly the essence of the web.
Backgammon is an ancient Egyptian game. It is very popular in Israel. Backgammon boards are made of wood, and Backgammon cubes are the regular cubes you use in monopoly.
Backgammon Games
Backgammon Games are everywhere. You can find it in Cyprus, Israel, Egypt and of curse - Online backgammon. The net is the Backgammon games haven.
Backgammon rules
Backgammon rules are very simple. You have to win....naaa, you have to win and make sure your opponent will think you're going to win again.
Online Backgammon
Online Backgammon as written before, are the most popular backgammon format/platform these days.
Echolist Directory
Echolist Directory is another Google site promotion contest. If you'll type Echolist Directory phrase on Google, you'll get my site at second place. Maybe first.
TheRaveN SEO
TheRaveN SEO is my company's name. Hi! I'm TheRaveN and I've established a new SEO (Search Engine Optimization) company. We give SEO/SEM services, content services and more. All legit!
Here are some tips sites: 2004/11/how_did_i_miss.php gaming/backgammon-tips98081.html
Here are some tips:
Have a plan. Change it from time to time, but know your way.
Never move before thinking 1-2 other ways.
If you can barn off, do it, even with 2 dices.
Move your checkers from the 6 points place to 4-1.
And my site (rules, links and even history of Backgammon:
Backgammon Originally published in Shvoong:


I choose Latin Language, Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian,
Catalan etc. Are part of the Latin Language. Latin is the language of the Roman Catholic Church. People that speak English cannot avoid learning Latin vocabulary. Half of the English vocabulary comes from ancient Rome. One example of a word is etcetera. However, because Latin language can be variable, learning Latin grammar can be a challenge. Regular practice is necessary to learn to speak Latin well. Traditional teaching methods often makes matters worse. Just when you are resigned to the fact that Latin nouns have something called an "absolute case." The teacher then announces that the absolute case can be subdivided into the "ablative absolute," "ablative of attendant circumstance," "ablative of degree of difference," "ablavative of fine penalty." "ablative of time during which" etc. Wouldn’t it be great to just put words together into the Latin language and have the all Latin grammar explanations sitting off to the side, waiting to be read whenever you need them? The Latin language belongs to the Italic group of the Indo- European family of languages. Roman soldiers spread Latin from the Tiber River throughout an Empire that spread from Mesopotamia to Spain. In later times, catholic missionaries helped carry Latin to father reaches of the world. Latin Language can be divided into periods such as: Early Latin, from the founding of Rome in 753 B.C until 81B.C: Classical Latin, from 81 B.C, when Ceasar and Cicero were writing, until 14 A.D. when Augustus died: silver Latin (a brilliant literary period) until 130 A.D: Late Latin (also called vulgar Latin ): Medieval Latin (also called christ5ian Latin): Renaissance Latin (also called Erasmian Latin): and Modern Latin (also called Neo-Latin). Latin language is a cultural language that has many ways of learning the language. Once you learn the functions of the Latin grammar it becomes easy and fun to learn, After all is a language of our ancestors. Originally published in Shvoong:


I found this search engine, Pagebull, listed as Larry Ferlazzo's number one search engine for ESL, ELL, and EFL on his Educational Blog that I receieve as a CATESOL Member and I'm inclined to agree with him.  I put in the key words "ESL Advanced Listening and Speaking" for my ESL lab coming up in a couple of weeks and there were at least 85 pages that I counted.  Each page is displayed somewhat like a restaurant menu with the homepages of nine ESL, ELL, or EFL sites on each page.  They even have a little zoom icon by the search window so you can increase or decrease the size of each page.  All of my favorite ESL Sites were in there and an ocean of ESL Sites I never knew existed to boot.  It's a great site to go in and browse, find something you like and metaphorically camp out  for awhile.  Each page arranges its nine home pages in a 3 across by 4 down pattern.  Right toward the top of the very first page was my favorite site English as a 2nd Language.  You will find a special link to that web site below.  Please be sure to rate this site and add any comments in the provided areas below. Originally published in Shvoong:



Infobarrel is a writing site too just like ehow ,bukisa and triond. but their adsense features are very different than the others. You only need an adsense account to signup on them and let them to the job of posting your ads on your articles.
Another good this about Infobarrel they check first the little before they let you write your article and it takes 1-2 days before they confirm or dinied your article. The factor of being denied your article is
1. you copied your articles to others
2. even your the real author of that article but you still copied it from the original site.
3. similar to others (even tho its on your own words)
After your article is being reviewed and confirm you can now view and share it to others to make you a higher traffic (remember your adsense account ID you gave them to post an ads on your articles so you need more traffic on that.
But of course its your adsense ID so remember that your still on the TOS of google, don't try to trick or cheat, their watching you if you don't know.
So remember your TOS or review it again before doing such as trick or cheat. Originally published in Shvoong:




Summary:dannytheoldfolk,an abosolutely free adult website since spam,no catch,no hidden join as member,just an email address needed for registration,they never ask  member details info even credit card number to verify account membership.In the website,member can browse more than 200+ online adult TV channels,downloadable adult movies,nude girls photo galleries,celebrities nude photo and movies galleries and much more even that usually paid contents but members get it all FREE by become Myfreepaysite,com member.Unlike other adult websites,Myfreepaysite allow and welcome visitors from all countries.they threat all members fair and sharing them good,exciting,free adult contents no matter a visitor is from rich country like US,UK,EUROPE,or a visitor from poor,third country like Africa,China,India.With more than 30+ language translation, let their visitors from different language based convinience to find and looking for the contents in web space.These already proof that the owner and the team members how they respect and cherish to their website members.At last, is the first adult site in the world to go "GREEN".What''s mean? Check it here-
myfreepaysite Originally published in Shvoong:


Summary:chagrin is a website dedicated to
providing online manga reading. As a short background, the term
''manga'' refers to Japanese comics, or comics made in Japan.
Naturally, the original works are in japanese. Translation into the
english language is made by a fan or a group of fans called
''scanlators'', thus allowing manga to be enjoyed by people who are not
native japanese. Now, ''scans'' (the translated work) usually can be
read either by downloading the particular series from the scanlators''
website, or by browsing through a site that provides online scans.This is where Onemanga comes in. It
provides online scans for various series from a range of authors. The
site is easy to navigate and no special software or registration is
needed. The service is provided for free, all one needs is a web
browser. Basically you can start reading without the need for downloading. Thus far, the site does not have any particular theme or
genre that it sponsors. Currently the site is open to most genres,
having manga for the young, old, male or female. So there''s action, adventure, horror, romance, school life, etc. As of this writing,
the site does not include a series with explicit adult material. It can be said that the site would like to uphold a wholesome atmosphere.The
site currently hosts most of the popular manga/anime at present, such
as Bleach, Naruto, One Piece and Hunter X Hunter, among many others.The site is organized by series, and
from the particular series, into the corresponding chapters.
Each series has a short summary and some labels to categorize what type of manga it is. Completed series are also labeled, the same goes for newly added and
updated series. There is no definite time for updates, updates are
posted as soon as the scans are at hand. Thus far the updates are
very active speedy. But all in all, the frequency of updates depends
on the availability of scans.The site also has a forum link where
one can discuss a particular manga or even request for a particular
series to be posted up. Originally published in Shvoong:


Before the creation of "web messengers ", people had to install the software of the messenger. Now it is not neccesary, thanks to web sites like meebo . com, ebuddy . com, and of course In Iloveim the only thing the user has to do is to put the email address from MSN , Yahoo , Gmail ( Google ) and so on, and the respective password and we will be able to talk with our contacts directly on the Web.
It is an easy to use page, and it help us when a firewall do not allow us to use the messenger software. Also, we have extra options like chatrooms and emoticons into the Iloveim website. Originally published in Shvoong:


iGoogle is a new fun feature of Google. It has hundreds of stuff of your interest. Now early morning you can read the news or discover unknown facts or adore the images by just logging in to iGoogle.  
Here you can:- 
Select a visual theme to decorate your homepage. There are many themes which you would surely like.
Drag and drop individual sections to rearrange the page however you''d like.
Pick and choose from thousands of Google Gadgets to add games, news, pictures, weather and more to your homepage, all for free. The gadgets are like "Brain Tuner" or "NASA Image of the Day" or a game of "Hangman" or sending SMS facility.
Switch back and forth between your iGoogle page and Google''s "Classic Homepage" through the link in the upper right-hand corner. Originally published in Shvoong:


This dictionary is amazing, I mean. When you used it you are going to know that. It´s really flexible and comfortable and the best thing is: If you need to find a meaning of some word in different languages you can do it!!Those can be: Spanish, English (obviously), German, French, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian, Greek and Russian. So, what else do you want?...I think is just great!
It''s because of this that sometimes you can find some words that don’t appear in many dictionaries.
If you have access to this dictionary you can know that it has a nice interpretation of some meaning because it use pictures to help it, and to help us to understand better many kind of words. Besides, its colors are kind of simple and the interface too.
Another thing that I believe is very useful is that the dictionary gives to the user the opportunity to hear the pronunciation of what are you looking for. Or for example, if you look for some English word you can hear the pronunciation not only in the English accent, in British too..
In this web site you will find also some different alternatives that you can have access, like a part where you can play some games in which you can interact and learn different languages at the same time, some games are: Hangman (in this you try to guess a word and if you make that wrong you die as a hangman), Spelling Bee (you can choose the difficulty level, the web site is going to make you heard some pronunciation words, and after that you need to spell it).
People can use the dictionary to find some vocabulary related to different topics, like Medicine, Legal things, Financial things, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia(mostly if you need to find some technological information about some meaning) and Wikipedia Encyclopedia.
I highly recommend this site because of the plenty level of knowledge they use and the great level of complexity, very different than others. Originally published in Shvoong:



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I am sure many soccer or football fans like myself will know what is is all about. It was many years back when I had started using 'livescore' as my very one and only preferred live soccer result website for the most up to date scores. As you know, not all the matches are available on television or cable, so sometimes, in order for fan like me to know what is the latest result or scoreline, is my favorite choice.

It is not only up to date and providing all matches from World Cup, European Cups, English Premier Leagues and what ever leagues you can ever think of, is right there in 'livescore', you are even able to check for the scorer of the goals, missing a penalty or whichever players were given a yellow or a red car just by clicking on the hyperlinked provided.

Well, all these years, I have been using this site and I find it very user-friendly and simple to use. Originally published in Shvoong:


Download Music and Listen to MP3 Songs for Free! It''s Easy and 100% Legal! Music is fun to listen, especially when you''re on the go. EZ-Tracks offers its customers the opportunity to download music for absolutely free. EZ-Tracks is fun, and hundred percent free legal music. Downloading from illegal websites has severe penalties, so why take the chance when you can download free legal music from EZ-Tracks. In America, the RIAA has initiated thousands of lawsuits against users that are illegally downloading music, likely using P2P (Peer to Peer). On EZ-Tracks you are downloading from the EZ-Tracks server and not from other people.
Search from over 30,000 free songs or browse MP3 music downloads by category. Don''t miss today’s top free music downloads including Smack That and Fergalicious! Our vast digital music library consists of all songs in MP3 format. Ez-Tracks is a legal music download site and does not offer peer-to-peer sharing. The music found on EZ-Tracks is brought to you through our partnerships with the record labels that own the rights to their tracks. When songs are downloaded, the appropriate royalties are paid to the artists. It''s totally legal, so there''s no risk and no guilt involved. You can download any song by clicking the "DOWNLOAD NOW!" button. You might wonder: how can EZ-Tracks be free when these costs are involved? The answer is because EZ-Tracks is "Ad supported". EZ-Tracks is able to be completely free because of the advertising. Advertisements are shown on the website in order to cover our royalty and operating costs. This enables EZ-Tracks users to download songs free of charge. So as you can see, EZ-Tracks is not only legal but ethical!! Originally published in Shvoong:



The Notebook

Nicholas Sparks made his readrers cried once more in hi book The Notebook. Another heartwarming and touching story was made again by an author who has a reputation to end a beautiful story with a tragic ending.
Sparks started the story with two old man and woman who are both in a nursing home.The old man tells a stroy to this woman that was written and kept in the old man's notebook. The old man's story started with the two young couple who were at the peak of their teenage life. Allie, the protagonist of the stor, was seventeen years old then when she Noah Calhoun. Noah was a persistent guy who wanted to take Allie out. Romance blossomed to the both of them as they started to know each other and spared most of their times together. Although they also had few fights, their love for each other is so strong.
But life isn't easy to handle at all. Allie came from a very rich family and was only in the town for summer vacation.Noah,on the other hand,came from the opposite world of Allie, earning only 40 cents per hour in his job. Futhermore, Allie's parents most especially her mother, made a way for Noah and Allie to break apart. Thus,ending the very sweet summer romance between the two.
Years had passed and the both of them have walked their lives. Noah joined the military and gained enough money while Allie continued to go to college and found herself a fiance. Everything ran smoothly in their lives until Noah saw Allie in a hotel on where she was kissing her fiance. Noah was badly hurt on what he saw. He then decided that he would rebuild the house that he promised would be a dream house for both of them. He thoigh that through this, Allie would came back to him again. Allie saw the newspaper ad with Noah's picture and the newly brenovated house.After that, she just found herself stepping her feet once more to that memorable house, and having dinner with Noah while they reminisced the past.
Noah and Allie brought back their love to each other. And when they were just starting to dream again, Allie's mother put Allie back to reality that she had a fiance.Her fiance followed her all the way through there. At that point, she knew she had to decide on whom would she choose. But in the end,Allie's fiance gave way and let Allie and Noah be together again.
Like most of the stories, they lived happily ever after. It was just when the old woman realized that it is her own story.She was Allie and the old man was Noah.But after five minutes,she forgot all of it again. And Noah,old as he is, tries really hard to help Allie remember their past even though the doctor already said him that there's no more hope to it. And then one day, a nurse saw them together in the bed,holding each other's hand. Thus, they died together in each other' arms.
The Notebook Originally published in Shvoong: