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Chore o quanto quiser, mas não brigue com
Deus por Ele haver me levado.
Se não quiser chorar, não chore.
Se não conseguir chorar, não se preocupe.
Se tiver vontade de rir, ria.
Se alguns amigos contarem algum fato a
meu respeito, ouça e acrescente sua versão.
Se me elogiarem demais, corrija o exagero.
Se me criticarem demais, defenda-me.
Se me quiserem fazer um santo, só porque morri,
mostre que eu tinha um pouco de santo, mas
estava longe de ser o santo que me pintam.
Se me quiserem fazer um demônio, mostre que
eu talvez tivesse um pouco de demônio, mas
que a vida inteira eu tentei ser bom e amigo.
Espero estar com Ele o suficiente para continuar
sendo útil a você, lá onde estiver.
E se tiver vontade de escrever alguma coisa
sobre mim, diga apenas uma frase:
"Foi meu amigo, acreditou em mim e me quis
mais perto de Deus!"
Aí, então derrame uma lágrima.
Eu não estarei presente para enxugá-la, mas
não faz mal. Outros amigos farão isso no meu lugar.
E, vendo-me bem substituído, irei cuidar de
minha nova tarefa no céu.
Mas, de vez em quando, dê uma espiadinha
na direção de Deus.
Você não me verá, mas eu ficaria muito feliz
vendo você olhar para Ele.
E, quando chegar a sua vez de ir para o Pai, aí,
sem nenhum véu a separar a gente,vamos viver,
em Deus, a amizade que aqui nos preparou
para Ele. Você acredita nessas coisas?
Então ore para que nós vivamos como quem
sabe que vai morrer um dia, e que morramos
como quem soube viver direito.
Amizade só faz sentido se traz o céu para
mais perto da gente, e se inaugura aqui mesmo
o seu começo. Mas, se eu morrer antes de
você, acho que não vou estranhar o céu..
Ser seu amigo... já é um pedaço dele..."
(Chico Xavier)
Imagens Atualizadas de Lugares
Poesia - Metade Pássaro
Dá de comer ás roseiras,
Dá de beber ás estátuas,
Dá de sonhar aos poetas.
A mulher do fim do mundo
Chama a luz com um assobio.
Faz a virgem virar pedra,
Cura a tempestade,
Desvia o curso dos sonhos.
Escreve cartas ao rio,
Me puxa no sonho eterno
Para seus braços que cantam.
Autor: Murilo Mendes
Otávio Mesquita visita a fábrica de Discos de Vinil Polysom - Parte 2
Frases de Bom Dia
· Que seu amanhecer seja tão encantado como a mágica de todas as fadas."
· "Hoje certamente, tudo dará certo, o seu caminho será suavizado pela brisa do ar, que chegará até você de mansinho, trazendo com ela o aroma das flores, que darão colorido ao seu dia."
· "Bom Dia, é a palavra mágica que faltava nesta manhã, e vem expressar a você, o maravilhoso amanhecer que lhe desejo, repleto de amor e paz."
· "Sorria, estou desejando a você um excelente dia. Muita paz, muita alegria um dia super feliz!"
· "Quero que você comece o seu dia sentindo todo o meu amor e meu carinho. Te amo!"
· "Como é bom começar o dia pensando em você. Tenha um excelente dia!"
Dicas para um currículo campeão
Perdão e Liberdade / Chico Xavier
Aprendamos a perdoar, conquistando a liberdade de servir.E imprescindível esquecer o mal para que o bem se efetue.Onde trabalhas, exercita a tolerância construtiva para que a tarefa não se escravize a perturbações... Em casa, guarda o entendimento fraterno, a fim de que a sombra não te algeme o espírito ao desespero... Onde estiveres e onde fores, lembra-te do perdão incondicional, para que o auxílio dos outros te assegure paz à vida.É indispensável que a compreensão reine hoje entre nós, para que amanhã não estejamos encarcerados na rede das trevas.A morte não é libertação pura e simples.Desencarnar-se a alma do corpo não é exonerar-se dos sentimentos que lhe são próprios. Muitos conduzem consigo, além-túmulo, uma taça de fel envenenado com que aniquilam os melhores sonhos dos que ficaram na Terra, e muitos dos que ficam na Terra conservam consigo no coração um vaso de fogo vivo com que destroem as melhores esperanças dos que demandam o cinzento portal do túmulo.Não procures para tua alma o inferno invisível do ódio.Acomoda-te com o adversário ainda hoje, procurando entendê-lo e servi-lo, para que amanhã não te matricules em aflitivas contendas com forças ocultas. Transferir a reconciliação para o caminho da morte é atormentar o caminho da própria vida. Desculpa sempre, reconhecendo que não prescindimos da paciência alheia. Nem sempre somos nós a vítima real, de vez que, por atitudes imanifestas, induzimos o próximo a agir contra nós convertendo-nos, ante os tribunais da Justiça Divina, em autores, intelectuais dos delitos que passamos a lamentar indebitamente diante dos outros.Toda intolerância é violência.Toda dureza espiritual é crueldade.Quase sempre, a crítica é corrosivo do bem, tanto quanto a acusação habitualmente é um chicote de brasas. E sabendo que encontraremos na estrada a projeção de nós mesmos, conservemos o perdão por defensor de nossa liberdade, ajudando agora para que não sejamos desajudados depois.
Psicografada por Chico Xavier
World Cup 2010
As we know today will be the opening World Cup Soccer, and much of the world (if not the world) will keep an eye on South Africa, to "honor" the opening of the games. But as we already know and see the world is being prepared for the New World Order in several ways, but here comes a question, which the Football World Cup this year has to do with it?
Well, I see here how the music industry is rife with occultism, the canopy would be preparing something for everyone, that would crown the beginning of a mistake?
Let's first consider this event as the Olympics and Pan American, part of the world for you to view these events and as we all know, 2012 can come preparing a big mistake, by the enormous attention of mystical groups claiming to be the end of a era and the beginning of another, one of the groups that are more points that date the Mayans.
World Cup 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
World Cup Concert 2010 Africa
Every four years, football teams from countries across the world gather to compete in the FIFA World Cup.
The competition was created by Frenchman Jules Rimet in 1928, after assuming command of the most important institution in world football: the FIFA (Federation International Football Association).
The first edition of the World Cup was held in Uruguay in 1930. With the participation of only 16 teams that were invited by FIFA, without dispute heats, as happens now. The team has won the Uruguayan championship and could stay for four years, with the Jules Rimet trophy.
In the following two crowns (1934 and 1938) Italy took the title. However, between 1942 and 1946, the competition was suspended due to the outbreak of World War II.
In 1950, Brazil was chosen to host the World Cup. The Brazilians were enthusiastic and confident in the title. With a great team, Brazil reached the final against Uruguay. The final, held in the newly built Maracana Stadium (Rio De Janeiro - RJ) was attended by approximately 200 000 spectators. A simple tie would give the title to Brazil, but the Uruguayan Olympic heavenly achieved what seemed impossible: beat Brazil by 2-1 and became champion. The Maracanã was silent and crying has engulfed the country's football.
The Brazil would feel like to lift the trophy for the first time in 1958, played in the crown in Sweden. This year, appeared to the world, playing for the Brazilian team, one that would be considered the best footballer of all time: Edson Arantes do Nascimento, Pelé
Four years after the conquest in Sweden, Brazil returned to taste the taste of the title. In 1962, Chile, the Brazilian team won the cup for the second time.
In 1970, in Mexico, with a team of great players (Pele, Tostao, Rivelino, Carlos Alberto Torres and others), Brazil became the third time world champion when he beat Italy by 4-1. By becoming a triple champion, Brazil has won the right to remain in possession of the final Jules Rimet trophy.
After the title of 1970, Brazil entered a fast of 24 years without a title. The conquest occurred again in 1994 at the World Cup in the United States. Led by striker Romario, our team defeated Italy in a thrilling penalty shootouts. Four years later, Brazil again reached the final, but lost the title to the host country: France.
In the 2002 World Cup in Japan / South Korea thrashed led by Ronaldo, Brazil has won the five-time champion by defeating the team from Germany by 2-0.
In 2006 it was held the World Cup in Germany. The competition returned to the lawns of Europe. The event was very tight and full of emotions, as it always was. Italy has won the championship by defeating in the final to France by a score 5-3 on penalties. In normal times, the game ended tied at 1-1.
In 2010, the first time in history, the World Cup will be held on the African continent. South Africa will host the event.
In 2014, the World Cup will be held in Brazil. The event returns to the Brazilian territory after 64 years because it was in 1950 that was the last World Cup in Brazil.
World Cup Concert 2010 Africa Originally published in Shvoong:
Opening Ceremony
June 11 Today was the opening day of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa Obama, the U.S. president, was invited to the opening ceremony. The opening of the 2010 World Cup was a true spectacle, a lot of African music, many colors, a true joy, everyone was waiting for this day. Lots of emotion marked the event in South Africa, international music stars like Black Eyed Peas and Shakira have a party. In the grand ceremony, African artists also participated, one of them was Vusi Mahlasela. Lemon tree in a lot of people stopped in front of TV just to keep the ceremonial and have a preview of what will be the games of the Brazilian Team in South Africa The ceremony was quite lengthy and all the attractions did very well. The party was part of a show singing the theme K'naan crown Waving Flag by the way is the theme used in the commercial for Coca Cola. Rede Globo in the narration was on account of Galvão Bueno and Fatima Bernardes who did extremely well in the presentation. The president of South Africa Jacob Zuma thanked the FIFA President Joseph Blatter for choosing South Africa to host the first World Cup on the African continent in order that such a feat had never before occurred. The festival also featured the famous drums of Africa and only the vuvuzela that were prohibited in the opening, because they would disturb the singers in their presentation. To close the evening gala singer Shakira has made a real spectacle in full or as Soccer City please call Soccer City. The ceremony opened once and for all the world cup and the June 11th 11h: 00m officially begins the World Cup game with South Africa X Mexico. and on June 15 to 11h: 00m is the time of Brazil's debut against the team from Portugal. Let's all hope for the Hexa Brazil.
Opening Ceremony Originally published in Shvoong:
Fifa 2010
After the convening of the players who participate in the 2010 World Cup, it seems that everyone finally entered the atmosphere of the tournament. Now everyone starts to get closer to the coverage of the Internet. Yesterday, for example, at the time that the list of those invited was revealed, came to be quite unstable. Twitter too.
When the World Cup start for real we'll see an overdose of information in all major sites: UOL, Terra, Globo, IG ... to name the most accessed. But there is one that is worth being given: the OFFICIAL FIFA.
This time it seems that Yahoo failed to establish partnership with FIFA. Maybe that's why I've liked enough of this layout.
Fifa 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
World Cup 2010
We can see beyond the normal symbols, several stars / pentagrams, and pay close attention, you will find several inverted, which is not very normal to ask, but what stood out most was just the inverted star in black (if good, will realize that it leaves a light-handed and drink) on top of Coca Cola.
But as this blog focuses especially music, which would have to do everything shown so far? Let's look at the singer's new song
Keinan Warsame Abdi or K'naan is a singer, songwriter and poet Somalia. First, was his surname (which for me is "the face") a reference to Canaan? The former name of the region corresponding to the area's current State of Israel, West Bank, Jordan West, southern Syria and southern Lebanon.
His music for the pantry, as we look at such times as are hand-picked to spend the meaning New World Order, but would also be a reference to some event in Israel? Let's look at the music:
Wavin 'Flag (Coca Cola Celebration Mix) Translation: (Flag Curling)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Give me liberty, give me fire
Give me a reason, make me better
See the champions in the field now
You define us, makes us feel proud
The streets are like a high
As we lost our inhibition
The celebration is all around us
All the nations around us
Singing forever young
Singing songs under the sun
Let us rejoice in this beautiful game
Together at the end of the day
We all say
When I get older I'll be stronger
They call me free
Like a flag waving
And then goes back [x4]
When I get older I'll be stronger
They call me free
Like a flag waving
And then goes back [x4]
When I get older I'll be stronger
They call me free
Like a flag waving
And then goes back [x4]
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
And everyone will sing it
If we stop to reflect and analyze, also looking for the clip, we see that really speaks to the New World Order, first for some parts of the music did not end with this world championship, will see that there are children, who represent the future, and flags of nations.
World Cup 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
The World Cup 2010
Today we continue our coverage of the tournament with group B has Argentina, Nigeria, South Korea and Greece.
With Maradona as coach, the Hermanos suffered to qualify, just passing through a goal - prevented - Palermo at the end of the game with the turkey. But even so it is always a favorite team, with players of the stature of Aguero and Messi in attack, but the concern is on defense.
In his 13th appearance in the canopy, Argentina goes behind the Ti - his other titles were in 1978 and 1986 - and if you win, Maradona will be the first to win world under-20, and the principal as a player and coach.
The World Cup 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
South Korea World Cup 2010
South Korea passed easily by Asiaticas playoffs, and now go with an experienced group - five players have two crowns on the back - but have to try to fix the hole in the defense, since the attack the breath left.
It is the 8th top (then the seventh) and chorea hardly surpass the placement of the cup in 2002, at home and with the help of the arbitration, other than that, never went to stage.
South Korea World Cup 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
The World Cup Africa 2010
With the coach's oldest World Cup (Otto Rehhagel, 71), also comes with an aging team, with several players in the title of Euro 2004 despite the team not be anywhere near that of six years minutes, but the Greeks have in the report by Ukraine of Shevchenko, and banking on the boom and from tactic to counter-attack
The only cup which participated until now (1994), was humiliating, was 23 of 24 Selections.
The World Cup Africa 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
2010 Opening Ceremony
On Thursday, June 10, there was the Opening Ceremony of World Cup 2010, the first of the African continent had a few firsts, like the first time the opening was a day before the opening game, and was not allowed entry vuvuzela in the famous event.
The opening of the crown in South Africa had a great celebration, marked by several artists, who touched the world.
The event was held in the district of Soweto in Johannesburg, where Nelson Mandela lived.
They followed a script that any layperson could not decipher ...
It was cool to the archbishop of Cape Town Desmond Tutu (Nobel Peace Prize 1984) to pay tribute to Mandela.
Besides the musical performances were shown videos telling a little bit of African history and reality of the country.
Was shown a video about the social inequality which was the life of two girls who were born on the same day, at the same time, same place, but they had different opportunities in life. One only had the opportunity to study and grow professionally and monetarily, while the other turned scavenger. In one day the two had the opportunity to encounter a moving moment, the death of the son of scavenger, which was before the death, to a city hospital, where the second girl in history worked as a doctor.
Think! It should move anyone ...
But they all followed the rhythm of a party! With songs that were part of their reality ... everyday ... varied musical styles and for us Brazilians is a bit random!
Some well-known national artists and they made their presentations ... and it was cool ... because the sound of drums one was much nicer than the batteries of the Black Eyed Pea.
2010 Opening Ceremony Originally published in Shvoong:
FIFA World Cup
The teams to contest the World Cup in 2010 were divided into groups of letter A to H each containing four members.
In this presentation we will comment on the members of group G.
Group G
This group is the only country that came to be five-time champion, Brazil who won in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002.
The list of players from Brazil to World Cup was announced on Tuesday 11/05, leaving many with expectations of victory to Brazil.
List of Players of Brazil.
On 11/05/10 it was announced which players they would represent Brazil at the Copa. Were selected as:
Goalkeepers: Julio Cesar, Gomes and DoniLaterais: Daniel Alves, Maicon, Gilberto and Michel Bastos
Defenders: Juan, Lucio, Luisao and Thiago SilvaMeias: Gilberto Silva, Josué, Felipe Melo, Ramirez, Julio Baptista, Elano, Kaka and KlébersonAtacantes: Robinho, Luis Fabiano, Nilmar and Graphite.
Tables Games - Group G
Table Games Group G alongside shows in detail the time, date and place that the teams will play out.
Through this presentation, I could give you basic information about the 2010 World Cup.
Check out our blogs to be always on top of news from Cup.
Fifa Originally published in Shvoong:
The African cup 2010
Nigeria is one of the African teams with better performance in the World Cup, but today it no longer has the stars of the 90s, goes to the crown with a young team and a coach who led Sweden to two eighths-finals
In 4th appearance in the world behind the Nigerians will overcome his best finish in the canopy, the octaves, which arrived in 1994 and 1998
African Cup 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
Brazil and Tanzania
Watch live Brazil and Tanzania - The game between Brazil and Tanzania on Monday will be the second friendly match in preparation for the World Cup in 2010, before Brazil's debut in the competition in South Africa against North Korea on the 15th. You can watch Brazil and Tanzania live below.
The first test screening in the African continent was last week against Zimbabwe. In ocasição Michel Bastos, Elano and Robinho secured the 3-0 is not very compelling.
If you thought an unknown team Zimbabwe, Tanzania is still more. Almost no player has noteoridade on the world stage of football. The selection of Tanzania is placed 108 in FIFA ranking. Before the student Tanzania Marcio Maximo - who is Brazilian - assuming office, Africans occupied only the 167th place.
Do not miss Brazil and Tanzania live on Monday, at 12:00 (GMT). As the escalation of the Brazilian team, only goalkeeper Julio Cesar will miss out. The Inter Milan player was injured in the last friendly match will be under medical care until the premiere of Brazil in the Cup.
Below to download a program to watch Brazil and Tanzania on your computer with good quality and fast.
Brazil and Tanzania Originally published in Shvoong:
The Boy Steals the Scene in Friendly Brazil Vs Tanzania
Before the last warm-up match for the FIFA World Cup in South Africa, took place yesterday, a little boy called attention among the players. The small gathering in a few minutes gave a real lesson of friendship on a continent that has enslaved the world, demonstrating that no matter wavelengths you came from, who you are or the age that is physically or mentally. What really matters is that we are all pieces of a puzzle, where what counts is knowing how to recognize each other.
Boy Steals the Scene in Friendly Brazil Vs Tanzania Originally published in Shvoong:
The Fifa World Cup Africa 2010
FIFA World Cup 2010
The FIFA World Cup 2010 is the 19th edition of the event and will occur first on the African continent and as host South Africa
The process by offering the first FIFA World Cup in the continental rotation (the process of rotating the World Cup hosting to each confederation at a time) was the FIFA World Cup 2010. Will be the largest sporting event on this continent, which like the Olympics, had not yet been organized in Africa. So, have applied to South Africa, Morocco, Egypt and Libya-Tunisia binational nomination.
On May 15, 2004 in Zurich, Switzerland, South Africa beat Morocco by 14 votes to 10. Egypt received no votes and Libya and Tunisia withdrew on May 8, 2004 after offering their junction, which was not allowed.
South Africa has built five new football stadiums in preparation for the FIFA World Cup 2010. Be the first time the country's history that the region will stage specially dedicated to football. Under the old apartheid government, the stadiums were built exclusively for rugby and cricket.
South Africa has little tradition in football, took part in 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan in Group B and are eliminated in the first. Nd phase of the canopy in a group that participated in the selections from Spain, Slovenia and Paraguay, also participated World Cup 1998 in France.
A FIFA delegation has completed a first visit to South Africa after the country was chosen to host the 2010 World Cup. The officials said then that several technical and legal aspects were discussed before the FIFA members leave the country.
"FIFA is seeking to fulfill the whole process of the host country as quickly as possible and will set up an office in South Africa early next year," said Danny Jordaan, who heads the local committee.
A committee of four men, of which Jordaan is one of the members, was formed to set the local organization.
In mid-2008 due to delays in preparations with the possibility of South Africa does not finish the necessary work on time, speculation about the return of the headquarters of the World Cup. Been contemplated in Germany that the entire structure had assembled for the 2006 World Cup, apart from Spain and Australia.
A strike was initiated by the workers in South Africa on July 8, 2009. Works in stadiums, highways, railways, airports and hospitals came to be interrupted. The workers were asking for something around 15% wage increase. The delays, which were obvious became more complicated with the strike. Representatives of the organization of the tournament come to admit that the schedule of works could change.
Fifa World Cup Africa 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
Brazil faces Tanzania
The Brazilian team is now the final test for the World Cup. Starting at 12pm (GMT) at the National Stadium Benjamin Mpaka, Brazil is facing Tanzania in their last friendly before the World Cup debut in South Africa will be the chance to coach Dunga settle the last details on the team that will attempt to conquer the championship.
Since he began preparing for the Brazilian Cup, on May 21, the team has done a single friendly. It was last Wednesday, when he visited Zimbabwe and won by 3-0. Despite the victory, Brazil showed difficulties to create the attack and even ran some risks on defense. To complete, key players such as Kaka and Luis Fabiano showed to be out of rhythm.
Now, facing Tanzania, Dunga has another chance to improve the blend of players and give more rhythm to the team. The biggest concern is for the midfielder Kaka and striker Luis Fabiano, who suffered muscle injuries recently and are still searching for the best.
On the other hand, Tanzania should not offer much resistance. Occupying only 108. Place in the FIFA rankings, a list which is led by Brazil, the team is coached by Brazilian Marcio Maximo and has no expression on the world stage. Dunga good chance to make the last adjustments and quit the national team ready for debut at the World Cup, which is scheduled for the next 15 days against North Korea in Johannesburg.
Brazil Faces Tanzania Originally published in Shvoong:
Pedaços esses, que hoje me faltam.
Eu que sempre fui forte.
Hoje estou fraca e a dor me maltrata.
Faço forças para cuidar de mim.
E dar um fim na solidão...
Porque viver tão triste assim.
Sem ter à alegria que eu tinha, em meu coração.
Hoje eu sofro eu choro.
Não sei quando isso vai acabar...
Na vida tudo passa.
Até o meu amor vai passar.
E quando você lembrar.
Me desculpa!
Nesse dia já deixei de te amar...
Autor: Celi Luzzi
Opposition of Mars on March 3, 2012
The best time to observe Mars when that planet is Earth, and, in addition to finding the same side of the Sun, reaching the smallest possible distance between them. This occurs when the three stars are aligned and the earth occupies the center position. In this case, since our planet, Mars and the Sun would be in opposite positions in space, why this planetary configuration is called opposition: it is said that Mars is in opposition to the Sun is what happens now.
This time of year, the planet is born in general to 18h, when the sun goes down, becomes closer to the zenith (highest point in the sky) at night, lying at 6am when the sun is rising.
Shortly after sunset, on Friday, look to the west at dusk, when a celestial object will appear reddish - the planet Mars - climbing towards the zenith as a star as bright as Sirius, the star bright in the sky.
This is approaching Mars, to the interested observer in the sky, a unique opportunity to enjoy the planet with the naked eye or with modest instrument. We must emphasize that this time Mars will be one of the most interesting celestial objects visible to the naked eye, because of its relatively rapid apparent shift between the stars, as well as its red color sharply, why was associated with Mars, god of war between the Romans.
In two years, will occur the next approximation opposition of Mars in March 3, 2012.
Opposition of Mars on March 3, 2012 Originally published in Shvoong:
Mars Will Be Closest to Earth on March 3, 2012
The red planet will be closer to Earth this Friday 29th, a phenomenon that astronomers call opposition.
This occurs when Mars is aligned with the Sun and the Earth, ie, when our planet is between the two stars. The distance between us and Mars will be about 100 million kilometers.
A good tip for anyone who wants to observe the phenomenon is to look in the direction opposite the sunset. Mars will appear just above the horizon, as were a large red star. The planet can be seen between 20h and 20h30.
The last time this phenomenon occurred was in December 2007, and next time will be in March 2012.
Mars Will Be Closest to Earth on March 3, 2012 Originally published in Shvoong:
Bar Refaeli, Girlfriend of Leonardo Dicaprio Live in Brazil
Bar Refaeli once again posed in a bikini. And as always the beautiful model has done! She was clicked in black and white photos and color in your trunk and showed the new test. Leonardo Di Caprio is or is not a lucky guy?
The collection is incredible. The dresses, bikinis and shorts are perfect for warm weather, holidays and weekends, "the model of 24 years.
In the images clicked by renowned photographer Gilles Bensimon, Bar appears in sensual poses, with short dresses or lingerie. The test was conducted at the former home of Paris Hilton in Los Angeles USA.
Bar Refaeli, Girlfriend of Leonardo Dicaprio Live in Brazil Originally published in Shvoong:
Google Pacman
Tomorrow will be a special day where we will commemorate the 30th anniversary of launching the first version of the game Pac-Man. This game "addictive", who charmed generations, was established on May 22, 1980 in Japan and the ubiquitous Google could not let this date pass, and has created another Doodle, who are your Google logos amended, due to a special date. Innovation upon innovation, is that this time the logo is a real game of Pac-Man, and the user may play.
Google created this soon-game and put it on the air today 12 hours. He will present to the delight of die-hard fans of Pac-Man for 48 hours at their main site.
Google Pacman Originally published in Shvoong:
World Cup in Africa 2010
I just got a release schedule with SporTV during the World Cup.
The station will have four channels from June 11. Besides SporTV of SporTV2 and SporTV HD, a second hard drive will be open on days of simultaneous games (if the last round of the qualifying round).
50 professionals will be out of Brazil - including journalists who go to South Africa and reporters Passport SporTV.
Check out the attractions of the Canal during World Champion:
Good morning, Africa - Fernanda Gentil (It's Gol!) And Gabriel Moojen (Area of Impact) command the electronic magazine racks morning with the Cup. Will air hours before the first game of the day.
Selection SporTV - Where to 20h, the squad will take stock of the day. Bring the best photos of the day, throws the matches and special features. Three journalists will take turns in presenting: Luiz Carlos Jr., Milton Barreto and Marcelo Leite.
SporTV News - The newspaper will have three daily editions during the tournament (at 6, 19 and 22 hours). The program is not limited to coverage of the world.
Tá Africa - Vanessa Riche leads the Cup version Tá Area. From the knockout, the program gains more an issue, at 11am. The normal time of Ok in Africa will be at 15h before the last game of the round.
Exchange of Passes - Another to have two editions. Time: after games of 11am and 15.30.
Finally, an interactive menu is worth mentioning that the channel will offer subscribers of the Net and Sky. The SporTV bring in more information from the database of FIFA and graphic effects, an analysis program tactics, Piero.
Sportv During the World Cup in Africa 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
Tantas retaliações, tanto perigo
Eis que ressurge noutro o velho amigo
Nunca perdido, sempre reencontrado.
É bom sentá-lo novamente ao lado
Com olhos que contêm o olhar antigo
Sempre comigo um pouco atribulado
E como sempre singular comigo.
Um bicho igual a mim, simples e humano
Sabendo se mover e comover
E a disfarçar com o meu próprio engano.
O amigo: um ser que a vida não explica
Que só se vai ao ver outro nascer
E o espelho de minha alma multiplica...
Vinícius de Moraes
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Plantas medicinais ajudam a emagrecer e a curar a depre...
Friday, June 11th Day of the World Cup South Africa 2010
11/06 - 11:00 - South Africa x Mexico
Soccer City Stadium, Johannesburg
11/06 - 15:30 - Uruguay v France
Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town
Draw for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa
The group draw of the qualifiers of the 2010 World Cup Was held in Durban, South Africa, on November 25, 2007.
The draw for the World Cup groups in September 2010 Was held in Cape Town on December 4, 2009. About 8.000 guests attended the Cape Town International Convention Centre.
The event of the group draw and Games World Cup in South Africa Was broadcast around the world, and as in all other editions of the World Cup, attracted the attention of football fans on Every continent.
South Africa, Being the host country, is Already set to head-to-key in Group A. This raffle Were defined groups and sets of selections.
Learn More:
• Draw the World Cup - South Africa 2010
System of dispute of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa
The 32 teams are divided into eight groups of four teams each. The top two teams from each group advanced to the knock-out final. At this stage the games are predatory
Friday, June 11th Day of the World Cup in South Africa 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
Sportv During the World Cup Africa 2010
I just got a release schedule with SporTV during the World Cup.
The station will have four channels from June 11. Besides SporTV of SporTV2 and SporTV HD, a second hard drive will be open on days of simultaneous games (if the last round of the qualifying round).
50 professionals will be out of Brazil - including journalists who go to South Africa and reporters Passport SporTV.
Check out the attractions of the Canal during World Champion:
Good morning, Africa - Fernanda Gentil (It's Gol!) And Gabriel Moojen (Area of Impact) command the electronic magazine racks morning with the Cup. Will air hours before the first game of the day.
Selection SporTV - Where to 20h, the squad will take stock of the day. Bring the best photos of the day, throws the matches and special features. Three journalists will take turns in presenting: Luiz Carlos Jr., Milton Barreto and Marcelo Leite.
SporTV News - The newspaper will have three daily editions during the tournament (at 6, 19 and 22 hours). The program is not limited to coverage of the world.
Tá Africa - Vanessa Riche leads the Cup version Tá Area. From the knockout, the program gains more an issue, at 11am. The normal time of Ok in Africa will be at 15h before the last game of the round.
Exchange of Passes - Another to have two editions. Time: after games of 11am and 15.30.
Finally, an interactive menu is worth mentioning that the channel will offer subscribers of the Net and Sky. The SporTV bring in more information from the database of FIFA and graphic effects, an analysis program tactics, Piero.
Sportv During the World Cup in Africa 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
Fifa World Cup in Africa 2010
FIFA World Cup 2010
The FIFA World Cup 2010 is the 19th edition of the event and will occur first on the African continent and as host South Africa
The process by offering the first FIFA World Cup in the continental rotation (the process of rotating the World Cup hosting to each confederation at a time) was the FIFA World Cup 2010. Will be the largest sporting event on this continent, which like the Olympics, had not yet been organized in Africa. So, have applied to South Africa, Morocco, Egypt and Libya-Tunisia binational nomination.
On May 15, 2004 in Zurich, Switzerland, South Africa beat Morocco by 14 votes to 10. Egypt received no votes and Libya and Tunisia withdrew on May 8, 2004 after offering their junction, which was not allowed.
South Africa has built five new football stadiums in preparation for the FIFA World Cup 2010. Be the first time the country's history that the region will stage specially dedicated to football. Under the old apartheid government, the stadiums were built exclusively for rugby and cricket.
South Africa has little tradition in football, took part in 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan in Group B and are eliminated in the first. Nd phase of the canopy in a group that participated in the selections from Spain, Slovenia and Paraguay, also participated World Cup 1998 in France.
A FIFA delegation has completed a first visit to South Africa after the country was chosen to host the 2010 World Cup. The officials said then that several technical and legal aspects were discussed before the FIFA members leave the country.
"FIFA is seeking to fulfill the whole process of the host country as quickly as possible and will set up an office in South Africa early next year," said Danny Jordaan, who heads the local committee.
A committee of four men, of which Jordaan is one of the members, was formed to set the local organization.
In mid-2008 due to delays in preparations with the possibility of South Africa does not finish the necessary work on time, speculation about the return of the headquarters of the World Cup. Been contemplated in Germany that the entire structure had assembled for the 2006 World Cup, apart from Spain and Australia.
A strike was initiated by the workers in South Africa on July 8, 2009. Works in stadiums, highways, railways, airports and hospitals came to be interrupted. The workers were asking for something around 15% wage increase. The delays, which were obvious became more complicated with the strike. Representatives of the organization of the tournament come to admit that the schedule of works could change.
Fifa World Cup Africa 2010 Originally published in Shvoong:
Michael Jackson Dangerous (Live in Munich 1997)
Michael Jackson Billie Jean Live 1992